501(c)3 Educational Non-profit

Philosophy,Culture &Volunteering 

Find joy in helping others -- Charlotte's acts of kindness

learn wise

ancient teachings 

Meet Our Team


volunteers in Action

Discover the wisdom that has awakened inner potentials for thousands of years!
Learn about yoga, Tai Chi, and other inner arts! Come volunteer with us!

Watching the 1st Sunrise of Spring at the CLT Airport Overlook

To promote an eclectic exploration of world wisdom with a special focus on the knowledge that cultivates personal development.

Stephanie Mora

Volunteer and President of New Acropolis Charlotte

cultural events

volunTeer          opporTunities

  • Team-building nature outings
  • Ecological Volunteering at parks
  • Visits to Retirement Homes
  • Visits to Children's Hospital

hands onvolunteering

upcoming events

  • Ancient Wisdom classes
  • Ancient Cultures workshops/events
  • Tai Chi/Yoga classes
  • Japanese Tea Ceremonies

​​​​​​​​​​​​Ancient Wisdom Bookclub

We explore classics of ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman literature which we love for all the deep teachings they contain that relate to the virtues of a human being.​
 Ongoing on Sundays

More info: newacropolischarlotte@outlook.com

Volunteering Activities

-New Acropolis Charlotte donated to the Wake Med, which will distribute our donations to NICUs in the US.

-New Acropolis Charlotte donated canned food to Loaves and Fishes Food Bank for the holidays.



We are thrilled to offer a unique set of activities no one else offers together in the city of Charlotte! 

-The New Acropolis Charlotte Team

  • Ongoing dates--Philosophy Bookclub 
  • Where: Online 
  • Cost: Free 

Join our classes, events and volunteering opportunities! Contact us by email here

and sign up for our newsletter here to stay up to date with our latest events.


Join Us

Our Mission

News and Events 

Join our meetings on Wisdom of Ancient Cultures and learn about ancient civilizations and famous thinkers such as Plato, Buddha, Socrates, etc.
When: Sundays at 11:00am 
Where: Online

upcoming Classes

New Acropolis Charlotte

Kendall Mercer

Student and Volunteer of New Acropolis Charlotte

be a part

of cultural reVIVAL